In our opinion, Betfred is the best compared to the other latest online bookmakers.
If we were to choose a favourite among the best new betting sites in South Africa, it would be Betfred. 🥇 Our Favorite New Betting Site - BETFRED With that said let's look at the top-ranking new betting sites in South Africa according to. Eventually, you’ll be able to decide if the latest online bookmakers are worth your time. We will mention the best new betting sites in South Africa and highlight some of their unique features. So, if you just know a few like Interbet,, and even Betfred, there are still many other reputable new betting sites in South Africa. We have a list of new sports betting sites we recommend you try, but ensure you read our review before you do. If you’re reading this guide, you probably want to know the latest online bookmakers.
+ 🥇 New Sports Betting Sites in South Africa